finally, i managed to sit my last examination paper today..
Hoping dat i'll pass all the subject so dat i dun have to sit for referalpaper da...
hm.. but today's paper made me so nervous till death..
because, 1st time in my life, i vomit after read the question in the paper..
i was so surprise and also shock.. it never happen to me before..
i have thought maybe due to nervousness to sit for the last n killer paper made me like dat..
da la i did not take any single thing before the exam.. just imagine how was i when vomiting...
pun xder aper2 yg keluar except a bitter liquid which make me feel like i'm dying..
m afraid if suddently i collapsed in dat toilet, who are going to find me there??
just before the exam start, i feel better.. pon after i vomit nothing in the ladies..
hmm.. whatver it is, i felt gratefully dat i managed to write until the last sentence for social studies..
i wish for nothing but to pass all the 4 component in my foundation years...
tamat da 2 years foundation in IPBA..
come back entry
12 years ago
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