
Monday, March 9, 2009

Part 2 : A HUMAN OR NOT??!!

i FOUND MY GUY..!! yEah right..!! i knew dat once i get too him, he will nver let me go as if M the best desert he ever hv.. he was the famous actor in Madagascer the movie, dat's what me even more like him.. hihi~ people used to called him Alex D Lion..
hat a famous name... I try to make myself clear whether he interest on me or not.
so i did soem test on him. I shout his name in public, if he comes to me dats means he likes me..
Yay...!! the result make me ecstatic. i was jumping up nn down and runninng hysterically knowing dat i have d opportunity to be his meal..
so, y wait fo more..
run la deyh..!
lasty!, i ran away as i realized he wont be nice to me. In fact, i don't deserve him..
i'll find another who suit me well..

Hey... Look here and listen to me..
the story hosn't come to an end yet..~
m VERY TRILLED dat day coz found smone who was very stylish and tall..
Quite contradict wif me right??
Never mind, at least i already met him..
I greeted him nicely and he responded well, dats waht me very happy..
yay..!! (jump)
yay..!! (jump again..heheh)
He followed me as if i brought him tonnes of food which actually i didn't, except me, myself, my IC, and few happy go lucky friends..
Talking bout his appearance, i love the pattern on his body.. There wuz a uniq combination of orange and black colour..
Really high taste dowh..!!
Plus.. he was looking good in his skinny jeans, whoa~ it suit him very well..

At the same time, it make him looked bony n anerocxic, dats really dissappointed me the most.. hope when me meet again, he will become more plump, plus minus like "moto-moto" yeah..!!
i wuz really tired dat made me barely walked to the entrance..
huhu~ felt hard to leave this place,
But somehow i knew, this palce wasn't for me..
bye2 everybody..!!

To conclude, This not the place to find partner K..!!


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